Laser pigmentation removal

Safe removal of pigment and vascular lesions

The Cutera Excel V laser for the removal of pigment and vascular lesions is the most advanced aesthetic laser available. It combines two proven wavelengths of light allowing us the versatility to target both vascular and pigmented lesions effectively and safely.

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Vascular and Pigment Laser in Melbourne

What can it treat?

The 532nm/1064nm lasers are used for broad range of aesthetic and dermatologic skin concerns and can:

  • Improve general skin sun damage – including sunspots and freckles
  • Reduce general facial redness
  • Reduce reticular and spider leg veins
  • Reduce telangiectasia (broken blood vessels)
  • Treat benign pigmented (brown) skin lesions
  • Treat cherry angiomas
  • Treat port wine stains
  • Treat rosacea
  • Treat spider naevi

How does it work?

All lasers emit a focused light measured in wavelengths that target different colours uniquely. The green light of the 532nm targets redness. It’s safe and effective for superficial vessels, vascular lesions and pigmented lesions in light to medium coloured skin (Fitzpatrick Skin Type I-IV). The 1064nm wavelength allows us to safely treat darker skin types (Fitzpatrick Skin Type I-VI) and deeper lesions and vessels.

What should I expect?

Colour and texture of the skin are often the defining features people notice in both themselves and others and impacts greatly on whether someone is perceived as youthful or not, more so than wrinkles!  Sun damage is usually a combination of pigment and vessels and we can target both elements with each session of the Excel V, giving people a great, visible improvement in their skin tone in even their first session.

Most treatments are well tolerated as the laser utilises an inbuilt sapphire cooling tip for increased comfort and safety. Expected downtime and side effects of the procedure can vary depending on the indication being treated, skin type, sensitivity, depth and size of the lesion. Our Doctors and Nurses will discuss with you in detail your expected outcomes and potential downtime or complications of laser treatment.

All laser treatments carry risks and side effects, and it is important to trust your skin with only qualified, medically trained clinicians to ensure the safety and protection of your skin, and that only the most appropriate technology is utilised for your skin complaints, taking into account your medical and family history.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on your skin concern we usually recommend 2-3 sessions, around 4-6/weeks apart.

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